- [2023/12/29]
I join the Program Commitee of ASE'25, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/12/29]
I join the Program Commitee of ICSE'26, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/12/27]
I join the Program Commitee of ICML'25, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2024/11/17] Our student Chenyan and Yuhuan won 2nd prize Research Prototype Award in ChinaSoft'24 (3 out of 77) with our interactive code editing project. Congratulations!
- [2024/08/15] I join the Program Commitee of The Web Conference'25 (security track), please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2024/08/07] Our work on log anomaly detection on web application is to appear in ASE'24. Congratulations to Yifan, Xu Ming, and Xiwen!
- [2024/07/08] I join the Program Commitee of USENIX Security'25, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2024/06/05] Our work on LLM agent for detecting phishing websites is to appear in USENIX Security'24. Congratulations to Ruofan and Xiwen!
- [2024/05/08] Our work on decloaking and detecting CAPTCHA-cloaked phishing websites is to appear in USENIX Security'24. Congratulations to Xiwen and Ruofan!
- [2024/04/17] I join the Program Commitee of FSE'25, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2024/03/02] Our work on LLM-based code editing and delta debugging are to apper in ISSTA'24. Congratulations to Chenyan, Yufan, Yuhuan, Yunrui, and Xuezhi!
- [2023/12/23] I join the Program Commitee of ICML'24, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/11/09] I join the Program Commitee of ICSE'25, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/10/24] I join the Program Commitee of WWW'24, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/10/03] I join the Program Commitee of USENIX Security'24, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/09/22] Our work "On-the-Fly Adapting Code Summarization on Trainable Cost-Effective Language Models" are to apper in NeurIPS'23. Congratulations to Yufan, Chenyan, Jinglian, and Yiming!
- [2023/07/28] Two papers on time-travelling debugger for deep classifier and software testing are to apper in ESEC/FSE'23. Congratulations to Xianglin, Yifan, and Xiaoxue!
- [2023/06/16] I join the Program Commitee of FSE'24, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/05/17] Two papers on graph representation learning and graph learning explanation are to apper in KDD'23. Congratulations to Mengyue and Jihong!
- [2023/05/09] I join the Program Commitee of ISSTA'24, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/05/05] I join the Program Commitee of SEETA'23, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2023/05/01] Our work "Knowledge Expansion and Counterfactual Interaction for Reference-Based Phishing Detection" has been accepted by USENIX Security'23. Congratuations to Ruofan and Yifan!
- [2023/03/09] I serve as the Challenge Advisor for the Phishing Intention Detection Prize Challenge in AISG.
- [2023/01/08] I serve as the Program Co-chair in the 28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2023). Please submit your work and see you in Singapore!
- [2022/12/09] Our work "DeepArc: Modularizing Neural Networks for the Model Maintenance" has been accepted by ICSE'23. Congratuations to Xiaoning!
- [2022/11/28] We won the first prize in the Research Prototype Competition in ChinaSoft with "Deep Classifier Oriented Interactive Debugger". Congratuations to Xianglin and Yifan!
- [2022/09/15] Our work "Debugging and Explaining Metric Learning Approaches: An Influence Function Based Perspective" has been accepted by NeurIPS'22. Congratuations to Ruofan and Xianglin!
- [2022/08/11] Our work "RegMiner: Mining Replicable Regression Dataset from Code Repositories" has been accepted by FSE'22 (demo track), Congratuations to Xuezhi and Yifan!
- [2022/08/03] I join the Program Commitee of AAAI'23, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2022/07/21] Our work "Repairing Failure-inducing Inputs with Input Reflection" has been accepted by ASE'22, Congratuations to Yan, Ivan, and Changsheng!
- [2022/07/17] Three papers are to apper in TDSC journal, Congratuations to Yan, Siqi, Huasong, and Rajdeep!
- [2022/06/23] I join the Program Commitee of ESEC/FSE'23, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
- [2022/06/22] I am invited as a representative alumni in Software Engineering School, ECNU, to give a speech in the graduation ceremony. Congratuations to all the graduates!
- [2022/06/13] Our FYP student Ng Siang Hwee (topic: automated software debugging) is awarded with the NUS SoC Outstanding Computing Project Prize for AY2021/22. Congratuations to Siang Hwee!
- [2022/06/05] I accept the interview from the Singapore Zaobao (, introducing the social impact of phishing attack and our continuous monitoring defense solution (link).
- [2022/05/16] Our work "RegMiner: Towards Constructing a Large Regression Dataset from Code Evolution History" is to appear by ISSTA'22. Congratuations to Xuezhi and Siang Hwee!
- [2022/04/21] Our work "Temporality Spatialization: A Scalable and Faithful Time-Travelling Visualization for Deep Classifier Training" is to appear by IJCAI'22. Congratuations to Xianglin and Ruofan!
- [2022/02/17] Our work "Inferring Phishing Intention via Webpage Appearance and Dynamics: A Deep Vision Based Approach" is to appear by USENIX Security'22. Congratuations to Ruofan and Xianglin!
- [2021/01/30] I am invited to serve as reviewer in ICML 2022.
- [2021/01/20] Our work "gDefect4DL: A Dataset of General Real-World Deep Learning Program Defects" is to appear by ICSE'22 (Demonstration Track). Congratuations to Yunkai and Xuezhi!
- [2021/12/01] Our work "DeepVisualInsight: Time-Travelling Visualization for Spatio-Temporal Causality of Deep Classification Training" is to appear by AAAI'22. Congratuations to Xianglin and Ruofan!
- [2021/08/01] Our proposal "An Explainable Framework for Network Anomaly Detection Based on Graph-based Neural Network" (PI: Prof. Dong Jin Song, Collaborator: Dr. Lin Yun) has been awarded by Cisco-NUS Lab Grant, S$435,500 (based on our malware traffic analysis project.).
- [2021/07/22] I am invited to give a talk on our Phishpedia work in 1st Huawei Innovation Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Security.
- [2021/06/02] Our work "Graph-based Seed Object Synthesis for Search-Based Unit Testing" is to appear by ESEC/FSE'21.
- [2021/02/23] Our work "Phishpedia: A Hybrid Deep Learning Based Approach to Visually Identify Phishing Webpages" is to appear by USENIX Security'21. Congratuations to Rofan!
- [2020/09/16] Our proposal "An Execution Trace Alignment Based Approach to Locating Regression Bug with Explanation" (PI: Prof. Dong Jin Song, Collaborator: Dr. Lin Yun) has been awarded by MOE T2 Grant (No. T2EP20120-0019), S$657,828 (based on ICSE'17, ASE'18, and TSE'19 work). The news link can be checked here.
- [2020/07/30] Our work "Cross-Contract Static Analysis for Detecting Practical Reentrancy Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts" is to appear by ASE'20.
- [2020/07/21] I gave a talk on our gradient-recovering testing work on ISSTA'20 research track (online stream video (with Q&A), prepared media).
- [2020/07/08] I gave a talk on our trace-alignment based regression localization work on ICSE'20 journal-frst track (online video).
- [2020/04/16] Our work "Recovering Fitness Gradients for Interprocedural Boolean Flags in Search-Based Testing" is to appear by ISSTA'20.
- [2020/04/13] I am invited to serve as a PC member of OOPSLA AEC 2020. Please consider submitting your work.
- [2020/02/20] I am invited to serve as a PC member of ICECCS 2020. Please consider submitting your work.
- [2020/02/03] Our Journal-First TSE paper "Explaining Regressions via Alignment Slicing and Mending" is to appear in Journal First Track in ICSE'2020.
- [2019/11/18] I am invited to serve as a PC member of COMPSAC 2020. Please consider submitting your work.
- [2019/11/18] I am invited to serve as a PC member of ICSE 2021 (NIER Track). Please consider submitting your work.
- [2019/10/18] Our work "Explaining Regressions via Alignment Slicing and Mending" is to appear by IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (impact factor: 3.33).
- [2019/01/11] Our work "Smart Grid Metering Networks: A Survey on Security, Privacy and Open Research Issues" is to appear by IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (impact factor: 20.23).
- [2018/11/03] I attended the conference of ASE'18 in Montpellier, France, and presented our work of "Break the Dead End of Dynamic Slicing: Localizing Data and Control Omission Bug".
- [2018/07/27] Our work "Break the Dead End of Dynamic Slicing: Localizing Data and Control Omission Bug" is to appear by ASE'18.
- [2018/04/30] Our work "Towards Optimal Concolic Testing" won the ACM Distinguished Paper Award in ICSE'18.
- [2017/11/30] I attended the conference of ASE'17 in UIUC, USA, and presented our work"Mining Implicit Design Templates for Actionable Code Reuse".
- [2017/07/18] Our work "Mining Implicit Design Templates for Actionable Code Reuse" is to appear by ASE'17.
- [2017/05/26] I attended the conference of ICSE'17 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and presented our work "Feedback-Based Debugging".
- [2016/12/15] Our work "Feedback-based Debugging" is to appear by ICSE'17.
- [2016/11/29] I was invited to give a talk on 49th CREST Open Workshop in London, Britain, and presented our work "Interactive and Guided Architectural Refactoring with Search-Based Recommendation".
- [2016/11/16] I attended the conference of FSE 2016 in Seattle, USA, and presented our work "Interactive and Guided Architectural Refactoring with Search-Based Recommendation".
- [2016/09/06] I visited SE Lab of SE Lab of Fudan University and gaven a talk on "Feedback-Based Debugging".
- [2016/07/01] Our work "Interactive and Guided Architectural Refactoring with Search-Based Recommendation" is to appear by FSE'16.
- [2016/05/02] I joined PAT group in SoC, National University of Singapore, under the supervision of Prof. Dong, Jinsong.
- [2015/10/03] I started working as a visiting researcher in SUTD under the supervision of Prof. Sun, Jun.
- [2015/10/03] I worked as a Research Fellow in Division of Software and Information Systems (SIS), School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, under the supervision of Prof. Liu, Yang.
- [2015/08/31] I attended the conference of FSE/ESEC 2015 in Bergamo, Italy, and presented our work "Clone-Based and Interactive Recommendation for Modifying Pasted Code".
- [2015/07/01] I graduated from Fudan Unverisity, and finished the academic work in SE Lab of Fudan University.